Modern Indian working women


మాధవపెద్ది ఉషా

Dear friends, we all must have often observed the way women employees working in offices, telephone departments for that matter any institute or nurses in hospitals behave with their customers in such a rude, disrespectful and irritable manner that one not only feels bad but also looses respect for all
the working female folk.
On the other hand when we observe men’s behaviour we should be proud to say that they are not only polite, humble but also respectful irrespective of whether the person whom they are talking with is a man or a woman!
Often people comment about working women, ‘when they don’t have even that much patience why should they come to do jobs in the first place!’ It’s all very well to blame working women for their impatience, irritability and rude behaviour but does anyone has thought why they are not in a good mood while working in their work place!
If we do proper analysis we
Can’t but accept the fact that the cause for this sad state of affairs is none other than men themselves!!!Wait wait don’t be shocked! The moment ago I was praising men but now I am blaming them altogether. Maybe this is some what surprising and also mind boggling to men. But please please lend me a listening ear!
At the onset we all have to accept the fact that men have more physical strength than women do! That’s why they are called weakersex! At this juncture every one will agree that men can do more physical labour than women! Also women have to bear the extra burden of child bearing and rearing including the monthly menstrual cycle! So because of all these drawbacks and also having to manage both fronts( meaning house hold responsibilities) women get tired easily. Hence the irritability, negligence in work& sometimes disrespectful behaviour which is quite understandable! So we can not really blame them! Here I am not pointing out all the women in general!
Only middle class and upper middle class women are fulnarable to this kind of behaviour at work places who are in clerical cader or who work as school teachers or some other lower grade jobs. So women of this class need a helping hand in the house hold chores from their life partners. I would not hesitate to go a step forward to say that working women should be free of the house hold work or to be honest it won’t be an exaggeration to call it a burden. At this juncture one may say that where is the question of drudgery, like cooking and washing when both the partners are doing jobs ( or earning money) ? For there is always an option of buying outside food from food courts like Swiggy and Zomato. Not to speak of restaurants available in plenty which many can afford. But here one should not ignore the fact that outside food should be always avoided especially in these Covid days due to health reasons.So middle and upper middle class people have no other option than cooking food at home only!
When we focus on this point
it is heartening to note that some men are already changing and are extending a helping hand to their better halves.But this is not enough. A lot of change has still to come as far as men are concerned.
◦ Also here it won’t be out of place to mention that this is not the case with highly educated men and women who are well placed in their jobs and are in senior executive positions! For, those women can afford servants and cooks! So no burden of house hold responsibilities!
That is why I strongly feel that it is high time men of the middle and upper class, rose to the occasion and took up the household responsibilities!
Here not to miss the point that it’s also working women’s duty to cooperate with their husbands especially to adjust with their cooking abilities and not be too demanding. Because over the centuries men were not used to such domestic work. So it is but fair to be a little considerate! Hope I am not unfair to either party!! Last but not the least, in today’s society the above mentioned problems are arising because of the present day Nuclear families the cause for which are none other than our women folk themselves! So today’s women need to be a little broad minded and cooperative for the much needed harmony in the family which is called the joint family! So this is my earnest call to all the modern young girls and women to come and rise to the occasion for the benefit of the future generations! Thank you!!!

Usha Sastry

Written by Madhavapeddi Usha

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