Importance of Upbringing

          Usha Sastry

Friends today I am going to discuss some interesting things with you which I have been nurturing since long.At the onset, I would like to mention that we all have heard of antisocial elements like, thieves, rapists, robbers and criminals like murderers. And on the other hand, it’s so interesting to hear of noble souls, whom we call as Mahatmas who have divine qualities in them. And in between come, some people who are neither antisocial elements, nor can be given the status of Mahatma ie ordinary ones.
Friends did you ever think of the reason behind this variation in the nature of human beings? To my knowledge anyone who in a proper frame of mind can easily guess the reason. And that is none other than called upbringing. Please underline it.
Isn’t it really interesting to think that an upbringing can make so much kdifference to make a person bad or good or the other way round! But my dear friends, the answer to this question would be a big yes. And it is also interesting to reflect that when we count the ratio of the contribution of genes and upbringing of a human being’s personality, the contribution of genes would be surprisingly far less than the role played by the upbringing part. So thankfully it is far more easier to manufacture good citizens or rather good human beings by just taking care of the upbringing part, isn’t it? So friends, it is high time young couple who , after getting married, concentrated on the upbringing of their would be children.
Friends, it won’t be out of place to mention about the would be parent’s training which they have to undergo on child rearing. Here not to miss the point that in most of the western countries, would be mothers do read books on child bearing and rearing when they get pregnant. Coming to our point as the child rearing isn’t an easy task, parents of the would be children should get training in this field either before marriage or after it. Or rather I would say they should have a graduate degree in child rearing. Also to fulfill this goal the couple who are going to get married should also know a bit of psychology or rather child psychology. So men and women at their schooling and college level, should be taught psychology also as a special subject which maybe useful in their future training on Upbringing!
So on reflection, We can’t help, but come to a conclusion that there is an urgent need of some training colleges for upbringing. So no need to stress the point that the governments all over the world should take a progressive step in this direction! Thank you!

Written by Madhavapeddi Usha

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